Birth Place | Saskatoon, SK
D.O.B. | October 1, 1928
Jim Pattison
A Canadian business magnate, & investor.
Pattison’s parents resided in the rural town of Luseland, Saskatchewan when he was born at the hospital in nearby Saskatoon.
Growing up in East Vancouver, British Columbia his first summer job was playing trumpet at a children’s church camp and later picking fruit (raspberries, cherries, and peaches) during the summer while in high school. Pattison had many jobs while in high school, including selling doughnuts in the school parking lot, selling seeds door-to-door, delivering newspapers, and working as a page boy at the Georgia Hotel. He graduated from John Oliver Secondary School in 1947.
After high school, he worked in a cannery, a packing house, as a labourer building bridges in the mountains, and then for the Canadian Pacific Railway as a dining car attendant before accepting a job washing cars at a gas station with a small attached used-car lot. By chance, while the regular salesman was away,
Pattison sold one of the cars on the lot and found his profession. He parlayed that success into a job selling used cars during the summer at one of the largest used-car lots in Vancouver, using his earnings to pay for his studies at the University of British Columbia (although he did not complete his studies being three classes short of a business degree).
Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation is dedicated to raising funds for the enhancement of maternal and children’s healthcare across Saskatchewan and Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital.

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